Interactive Tools
Look-up information on providers, view healthcare related activity by geography, and visualize data interactively.
Look-Up Tools
Medicare Inpatient Hospital Look-up Tool
This tool is a searchable database that allows you to look up a Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) hospital facility and view associated inpatient services.Medicare Part D Prescriber Look-up Tool
This tool is a searchable database that allows you to look up a Medicare Part D prescriber and view their associated drugs.Medicare Physician & Other Practitioner Look-up Tool
This tool is a searchable database that allows you to look up a physician or practitioner and view their associated services.Medicare Revalidation List
This tool is a searchable database that allows you to look up the revalidation due date for Medicare provider enrollment.Provider Opt-Out Affidavits Look-up Tool
This tool is a searchable database that allows you to look up a provider who has opted out of Medicare.
Interactive Map Tools
Medicare Enrollment Dashboard
This tool provides the most current counts of Medicare beneficiaries with hospital/medical coverage and prescription drug coverage by geographic area.Mapping Medicare Disparities by Population
This tool allows users to better understand disparities in chronic conditions by measures such as geography and subgroups of Medicare beneficiaries (e.g. racial and ethnic groups).Mapping Medicare Disparities by Hospital
This tool identifies area of disparities between hospital quality and cost of care providing comparisons at the hospital, county, state, territory, and national levels.Mapping Disparities by Social Determinants of Health
This addition to the MMD tool identifies areas of disparities by key Social Determinant of Health (SDOH) domains and measures.Market Saturation & Utilization State-County Mapping Tool
This tool provides the ability to monitor market saturation as a means to help prevent potential fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA).Market Saturation & Utilization Core-Based Statistical Areas Mapping Tool
This tool provides the ability to monitor market saturation as a means to help prevent potential fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA).Medicare Part D Opioid Prescribing Mapping Tool
This tool shows geographic comparisons at the state, county, and zip code levels of Medicare Part D opioid prescriptions filled within the United States. Learn more about the associated dataset.
Medicaid Opioid Prescribing Mapping Tool
This tool shows state-level geographic comparisons of Medicaid opioid prescriptions filled within the United States. Learn more about the associated dataset.
Medicaid Managed Care Dashboard
This tool provides the ability to find and analyze selected health service areas offered by managed care plans in featured states.
Interactive Dashboards
Medicare Geographic Variation Dashboards
These dashboards provide total standardized per capita spending, as well as standardized per capita spending by type of service and by geography. Learn more about the associated datasets.
Drug Spending Dashboards
These dashboard tools present spending information for Medicare Part D drugs, Medicare Part B drugs and drugs paid through the Medicaid program. Learn more about the associated datasets.
Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey Chartbook
The MCBS Digital Chartbook dashboard is a collection of interactive charts and corresponding tables presenting estimates from both the MCBS Survey File and Cost Supplement File.